Google March 2019 Core Update Myth Busting From Google

by Brett Harper

I felt it became critical to ensure you all read my article on Search Engine Land with statements from Google around the March 2019 core update that started on March twelfth. In that article, Google replied to some questions we despatched them and a few questions they just noticed lingering on the net, such as from our speculation put up.

Google spoke back, saying, “We’re continuously enhancing our algorithms and construct forward to improve.” (1) A Reversal of the August 1 core replace? I wrote a greater particular article on my mind in this being a reversal or not, and I assume not, but it depends on the way you observe it and if your particular web page saw a reversal.

(2) Penguin associated? Nope, it’s far unrelated to what Penguin Google said. Google wrote, “This wasn’t a Penguin replace, because we now not have the ones, as we’ve got stated before. This turned into a core replacement, as we have defined. ”


(three) The largest update ever? No, no longer even close, stated Google. Google stated, “This was a substantive replace that we felt warranted confirming, in step with what we have said before. But it is some distance from being the largest replacement Google has ever executed. We’re not characterizing it beyond that.” Google is pronouncing right here; it was a substantive replace but using ways, not the largest they have performed in any respect. Of route, if your site became hit by using this, it positively feels massive to you.

(4) Is neural Matching unique? Nope, no longer in any manner, shape, or shape. Google stated, “Neural matching has been part of our core rating gadget for over half-a-yr. None of the center updates we’ve showed coincided with some new use of neural matching.”

(5) Many-core updates. Google has been doing core updates well earlier than they even confirmed they all. Google only notably currently (past yr or ) started to verify them as “core updates.” But As Danny advised us, it has been taking place for some time now:

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